How Are Commencement Speakers, Honorary Degrees Selected?

Amid the 2024 spring semester division, higher education institutions cite unifying selection criteria for honorary degrees and commencement speakers.

Student Experience /
By: J. Aelick

Communication Breakdown: The Strain of Responding to Crises Like the Israeli-Hamas Conflict

An age-old PR question rears its head again on college campuses: With emotions boiling on all sides, should leaders pick a side, foster discourse or keep their heads down?

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Aila Boyd

HBCUs Focus on STEM, Funding Gap

Increases in both private and public dollars are needed to encourage research projects and remedy a decades-long funding gap.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Chris Kudialis

‘Is This Worth a Public Statement?’

5 questions to help decide if the latest crisis in the news demands a response, plus a handy mnemonic device for writing such statements.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Jaime Hunt

The “Nearly Impossible” Job of College President

On the latest Higher Voltage, a look at why today’s leaders in higher ed must be always-on masters of strategic planning and communications.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Higher Voltage

Uploading the Brand: How to Onboard New College Presidents

Marcomm teams must play central roles in onboarding institutional leaders, whose jobs now include the role of chief brand ambassador.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Chris Romano, Melissa Horvath

Are Your ‘Welcome Back’ Activities Falling Short?

Return-to-campus initiatives should be more than entertaining – they should be strategic.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Kevin Tyler

What Should We Write About?

Tell us what topics in higher ed and higher ed marketing need to be talked about more, and what we should explore next.

Admissions /

Highly Social: The Changing Role of the College President

As college presidents become more involved in marketing, social media is a built-in part of the job.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Chris Romano

From Teacher to Marketer: The Changing Role of the College President

College and university presidents must increasingly be able to define, tell, and sell their institutions’ story.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Chris Romano

‘The Most Important Work’: Increasing the Number and Diversity of College Graduates

Learn how the University Innovation Alliance’s mission to redefine the purpose and utility of a college degree for the next generation of students.

Admissions /
By: Higher Voltage

HBCU Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World

COVID-19 and nationwide calls for racial justice continue to present unique challenges – and opportunities – for HBCUs.

Admissions /
By: Higher Voltage

The Cinderella Strategy: How Butler University Invested in Athletics and Won Big

How an investment in men’s basketball elevated the small Indiana school to national prominence.

Admissions /
By: Higher Voltage

4 Ways to Navigate Alumni Engagement in a Divisive Political Climate

How do you talk to alumni about political and social issues in this culturally divided time?

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: Ashanti Martin

Give It Up: Giving Tuesday and the Latest in Higher Ed Fundraising

In the latest Higher Voltage, we explore text banking, personalized video, and other trends in higher ed giving campaigns.

Donor & Alumni Relations /
By: The Higher Voltage Podcast