
Volt podcasts cover all angles of higher ed marketing & leadership. Higher Voltage covers the defining topics of the moment; Trusted Voices analyzes the intersection of leadership and communication; and Volt@ is our live-event series featuring conversations from conferences and other industry gatherings.

A graphic design with the title 'Trusted Voices' and the words 'with hosts Teresa Valerio Parrot, Erin Hennessy,' and showing the pictures of two women, both with light skin and light brown hair, one of whom is wearing glasses. All of this is set against a black background that gets orangeish around the images of the two women.

When Harvard Sneezes: Is Institutional Neutrality the Next Higher Ed Virus?

Season 2 closes with Teresa and Erin looking ahead at what may be a bananas-filled fall of politics, collegiate athletics and policy changes.


A picture of Angel B. Pérez, the CEO of NACAC. A bald man with dark eyeglasses, a blue suit, blue shirt and red tie.

A Crisis Beyond Higher Ed, It’s the Workforce Pipeline – Dr. Angel B. Pérez

NACAC’s CEO worries that a potential 700,000 more students could be lost from the higher education pipeline due to FAFSA complications.


A picture of Eddie Francis, principal of Edify Ventures and a brand consultant, a bald man wearing a pink shirt. As well as host Kevin Tyler, a bald man with a black mustache wearing a checkered shirt.

Want High Student Satisfaction? Well, Who’s Going to Deliver It? – Eddie Francis

Brand stability and employment retention are necessary, but Eddie Francis fears higher ed doesn’t understand the concept.


A picture of Allen Adamson, a man with short gray hair wearing a blue shirt and black coat, and Kevin Tyler, a bald man with a dark mustache wearing a checkered shirt.

In a Word-Of-Mouth Business, No One Shares Average – Allen Adamson

Kevin and Allen discuss the importance of focusing on a clear and distinct mission, rather than diluting the institutional identity with multiple conflicting messages.


An image of Brandon Busteed, a light-skinned man with short, dark hair and glasses wearing a black shirt.

Employers Need to Step Up, Provide More Internships – Brandon Busteed

Erin and Teresa welcome Brandon Busteed to discuss the potential impact of integrating learning and work.


A picture of Catherine Friday, a woman with blond hair wearing a blue shirt and pearl earrings. In the upper right corner is a picture of Kevin Tyler, a bald man with dark mustache wearing a checkered shirt.

No One Asks What Students Actually Want – Catherine Friday

Kevin and Catherine delve into EY’s global findings of student dissatisfaction and how universities must deliver on the value proposition to remain competitive.


A graphic design with the title 'Trusted Voices' and the words 'with hosts Teresa Valerio Parrot, Erin Hennessy,' and showing the pictures of two women, both with light skin and light brown hair, one of whom is wearing glasses. All of this is set against a black background that gets orangeish around the images of the two women.

Higher ed sucks. My institution is okay.

Erin and Teresa dive into the IHE’s annual president survey to determine if university presidents are being introspective enough about potential campus issues.


Paul LeBlanc, president of SNHU, is a light-skinned man with white hair and beard, wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and blue striped tie.

CBE Prepares Students for an AI-Driven Future – Paul LeBlanc

Erin and Teresa welcome SNHU President Paul LeBlanc to discuss AI, competency-based education and preparing students for a changing workscape.


Jenny Li Fowler, MIT's director of social media strategy, is a woman with black hair wearing a black blazer and blue shirt.

It’s Time to Treat Social Media as an Adult – Jenny Li Fowler

Kevin Tyler welcomes MIT’s director of social media strategy to discuss her new book and social media’s impact on higher education marketing.


AMA CEO Bennie F. Johnson is man with dark skin and hair wearing a grey suit. to the side is a bubble with Kevin Tyler's image, a bald man with a dark mustache and dark wearing a light shirt.

Change and the Future of Higher Ed Marketing – Bennie F. Johnson

AMA CEO Bennie F. Johnson joins Kevin Tyler to discuss his vision for the organization and how higher ed marketers can embrace change for the best results.


A graphic design with the title 'Trusted Voices' and the words 'with hosts Teresa Valerio Parrot, Erin Hennessy,' and showing the pictures of two women, both with light skin and light brown hair, one of whom is wearing glasses. All of this is set against a black background that gets orangeish around the images of the two women.

10 Resolutions for Higher Ed in 2024

Erin and Teresa explore 10 areas in which higher education can do better in 2024 and offer indispensable advice to leaders seeking to address evolving issues proactively.


A split screen with an orange background on the left with a logo that says Higher Voltage; on the right is a blackish-orange screen with a logo that says Trusted Voices.

You Can Only Tell a Story That Already Exists

Erin and Teresa welcome Higher Voltage’s Kevin Tyler to discuss institutional culture and climate as they explore the pivotal role of two-way communications in creating a sense of belonging.


An image of Dr. Brit Kirwan and Higher Voltage host Kevin Tyler.

Be Visible, Be Engaged, but Be Circumspect – Dr. Brit Kirwan

Dr. Kirwan explores the delicate tightrope of leadership communications and the need to protect higher ed’s most important tenet: free speech.


A graphic design with the title 'Trusted Voices' and the words 'with hosts Teresa Valerio Parrot, Erin Hennessy,' and showing the pictures of two women, both with light skin and light brown hair, one of whom is wearing glasses. All of this is set against a black background that gets orangeish around the images of the two women.

AI Unveiled: Are We at the Peak or the Plateau?

Erin and Teresa dive into AI and its profound impact on higher education, underscoring the need for thoughtful adoption and careful review of policies and use.


A picture of Paul Fain, a light-skinned man with short born hair and a bear wearing a blue shirt and striped tie.

Paul Fain on the Bridge Between Education and the Workforce

The creator of The Job newsletter and the related weekly publication Work Shift joins Teresa and Erin to dig into the practical application of a degree and the importance of prioritizing work readiness.
