Would you like to connect your brand with top higher ed decision makers across the globe? Volt is a new publication that shows higher education executives the marketing strategies that will make their schools shine. Whether you’re a small school, an internationally renowned ivy league, or a company that partners with them, we have content and advertising packages to fit your needs. Check out the advertising options below, and if you would like to discuss the details, give us a shout.

Our Audience

Age: 32% are between 35 – 54

Job Title/Position: 31% are Director-level and above

Ad Options

Sponsored White Papers

Tell your story or have us write a premium/gated white paper that delivers qualified leads. Sponsored white papers are included in email newsletters and social promotion, and all lead information is shared with the advertiser.

Web & Mobile Display Ads

Place your ad creative next to our editorial content to engage our audience and ensure brand impressions. Get actionable, measurable results from targeted campaigns.


Option One: Place your text ad and image in our monthly newsletter.

Option Two: Create email blasts where you own the entire email content and subject line. Email blasts are sent out to all newsletter subscribers.

Podcast Sponsorship

The Hashtag Higher Ed podcast brings together the brightest minds in higher ed marketing to talk about how schools communicate with students, parents, alumni, and donors in meaningful ways. Our host will discuss your product or service. Sponsor individual episodes, multiple episodes, or an entire season. Receive three air checks within each episode.

Content Marketing

Wish you had a top editorial staff of your very own? Now you can! Our team can write for your website, brochures, emails, social channels, and more to showcase how you and your audience are a perfect match.
Like what you see? Or dreaming even bigger? We’re all for a good challenge. Get in touch.