In January 2020, just before the Covid-19 pandemic reached the shores of the United States, the Northern Pennsylvania Regional College (NPRC) officially opened as an independent college. Its mission? To provide affordable and accessible post-secondary education to the residents of northern Pennsylvania. According to their website, NPRC’s identity is based upon serving communities in northern Pennsylvania such as recent graduates, high school/college non-completers, first-generation students and returning adults, essentially non-traditional students.
When one thinks about the traditional college student, the image of wide-eyed, 18-year-old freshmen living in a cramped dorm room is ingrained in the popular imagination. That image is changing. According to a 2015 study done by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 74% of undergraduates in 2011-2012 were considered non-traditional students, making them the majority of college students in the United States.