A center bubble contains the pictures of Emily Smith, a short-haired blonde woman wearing a black blouse, and Jenny Petty, a dark haired woman with bangs wearing a denim shirt and pearls. To the right is a smaller bubble with an image of Kevin Tyler, a bald man with a dark mustache wearing a plaid shirt.

Beyond the Search Cliff

The search cliff is here, and if institutions don’t rethink recruitment with AI, storytelling, and owned marketing channels, they risk falling behind in the race for students.


A center bubble featuring the headshot of Devin Purgason, a light-skinned man with short dark blonde hair and a beard wearing glasses and a white shirt. A smaller bubble to the right features the host Kevin Tyler, a dark-skinned bald man with a dark mustache wearing a checkered shirt.

Community College — America’s Best-Kept Promise

Community colleges are redefining student success through innovation, hyper-personalization and a commitment to meeting the needs of diverse learners.


An image of Carri Twigg, a woman with darker skin, wavy mid-back length blond hair, wearing a blue shirt with silver necklaces. To the upper right is a bubble image with Kevin Tyler, a dark-skin bald man with dark mustache.

Finding Opportunity Amid Politicization

Kevin and Carri Twigg examine higher ed’s future in light of potential disruptions, a dismantled ED and shifts in institutional identity and collaboration.


In a large center bubble , a picture of Kelly Holland, a light-skinned woman with shoulder length brown hair wearing a blue shirt. To the upper right corner is a second bubble with a small picture of Kevin Tyler, a dark-skinned bald man with a mustache wearing a plaid shirt.

Shifting Landscapes – The Future of Study Abroad

Inclusive marketing and shifting demographics are reshaping the future of international education, as Kelly Holland of the AIFS explains.


Two people in a large bubble framed in orange - on the left, Lauren Griswold who has shoulder-length brown hair and light skin wearing a brown cardigan. On the right, Chris Nelson, a fair-skinned amn with glasses and short-brown hair. In a third bubble is the image of Kevin Tyler, a bald, dark-skin man wearing a checkered shirt. A fourth bubble in the bottom right corner is orange with the words "guests Lauren Griswold and Chris Nelson."

Got Education? – Reframing the Value of Higher Ed

Grassroots efforts by institutions in Idaho and Utah are transforming the higher ed narrative.


Higher Voltage podcast graphic with a large image of Brian Piper, a light-skinned man with short blond hair and beard, wearing a gray dress shirt in the middle. To the right, a smaller bubble with the image of host Kevin Tyler, a bald, dark-skinned man with dark mustache, wearing a plaid shirt.

Start small, start with one place.

Ready to level up your content game? Brian Piper joins host Kevin Tyler to share how universities can build trust, connect with audiences and thrive in a digital-first world.


A picture of Eddie Francis, principal of Edify Ventures and a brand consultant, a bald man wearing a pink shirt. As well as host Kevin Tyler, a bald man with a black mustache wearing a checkered shirt.

Want High Student Satisfaction? Well, Who’s Going to Deliver It? – Eddie Francis

Brand stability and employment retention are necessary, but Eddie Francis fears higher ed doesn’t understand the concept.


A picture of Allen Adamson, a man with short gray hair wearing a blue shirt and black coat, and Kevin Tyler, a bald man with a dark mustache wearing a checkered shirt.

In a Word-Of-Mouth Business, No One Shares Average – Allen Adamson

Kevin and Allen discuss the importance of focusing on a clear and distinct mission, rather than diluting the institutional identity with multiple conflicting messages.


A picture of Catherine Friday, a woman with blond hair wearing a blue shirt and pearl earrings. In the upper right corner is a picture of Kevin Tyler, a bald man with dark mustache wearing a checkered shirt.

No One Asks What Students Actually Want – Catherine Friday

Kevin and Catherine delve into EY’s global findings of student dissatisfaction and how universities must deliver on the value proposition to remain competitive.


Jenny Li Fowler, MIT's director of social media strategy, is a woman with black hair wearing a black blazer and blue shirt.

It’s Time to Treat Social Media as an Adult – Jenny Li Fowler

Kevin Tyler welcomes MIT’s director of social media strategy to discuss her new book and social media’s impact on higher education marketing.


AMA CEO Bennie F. Johnson is man with dark skin and hair wearing a grey suit. to the side is a bubble with Kevin Tyler's image, a bald man with a dark mustache and dark wearing a light shirt.

Change and the Future of Higher Ed Marketing – Bennie F. Johnson

AMA CEO Bennie F. Johnson joins Kevin Tyler to discuss his vision for the organization and how higher ed marketers can embrace change for the best results.


A split screen with an orange background on the left with a logo that says Higher Voltage; on the right is a blackish-orange screen with a logo that says Trusted Voices.

You Can Only Tell a Story That Already Exists

Erin and Teresa welcome Higher Voltage’s Kevin Tyler to discuss institutional culture and climate as they explore the pivotal role of two-way communications in creating a sense of belonging.


An image of Dr. Brit Kirwan and Higher Voltage host Kevin Tyler.

Be Visible, Be Engaged, but Be Circumspect – Dr. Brit Kirwan

Dr. Kirwan explores the delicate tightrope of leadership communications and the need to protect higher ed’s most important tenet: free speech.


A picture a bald man with glasses wearing a light blue shirt.

What’s Your Institution’s McDonald’s Order?

Dr. Marcus Collins joins Kevin Tyler to discuss institutional culture and how it correlates to a student’s desire to attend.


Graphic design with a black background and a bubble with an orange rim; inside the bubble is a picture of a woman with light brown skin and dark hair looking straight out at the viewer, smiling. Two bubbles next to this one say 'Higher Voltage' and 'with guest Natasha Warikoo.'

The End of Affirmative Action: What Happens Now?

Natasha Warikoo of Tufts University rejoins the show to discuss the recent SCOTUS decision ending race-conscious admissions in higher ed and what it means moving forward.
