Category Archives:

Lessons From the Field

Government Relations and Marketing: A Potentially Dynamic Duo

Three ways Government Relations and Marketing departments can collaborate to successfully advocate for their schools.

Gone Digital: 5 Ways COVID Changed Higher Ed Marketing & Communications for the Better

Print is on the wane in all aspects of marketing collateral and on-campus operations.

Lessons Learned: Best Practices in Higher Ed Social Media

On the latest Higher Voltage podcast we dive into all things social media strategy and execution in higher ed.

How COVID-19 Spiked ‘the Way Things Have Always Been Done’

If COVID-19 has had a silver lining, it is that we have been forced to do everything in new ways. Let’s embrace that.

Higher Ed: When Everything is Political

Higher education has never been neutral, but now it’s getting dragged – or diving headlong – into divisive politics more than ever before.

‘People Should Know Better’: Digital Accessibility in Higher Ed Comms

The latest Higher Voltage episode explores accessibility stumbles and best practices with two of the best in the business.

eduWeb 2020 Reviewed: Finding Community in a Virtual Environment

This year’s virtual event put the online conference format to the test.

‘A Constant Barrage’: Social Media, Non-Stop Crisis Comms, and Mental Health

Volt’s podcast is back. Higher Voltage kicks off with a look at the strain on social media pros in this stressful time.

‘Listening and Taking Action’: How the University of Washington is addressing Black Lives Matter and Covid-19

Victor Balta, UW’s senior director of media relations, details how UW is approaching the many challenges it, like all schools, face right now.

Blown Away: Building a Brand-New Admissions Cycle On the Fly

The tried-and-true process for attracting prospective students is suddenly defunct. Now what?