Category Archives:

Lessons From the Field

Northern Pennsylvania Regional College Caters to the Non-traditional Student

As the non-traditional student population continues to grow, a new college in northern Pennsylvania took a risk and opened during the pandemic to provide a unique higher education experience.

Why More Higher Ed Jobs Should Be Remote

Higher ed leaders who don’t embrace remote work will continue to lose staff and fail to attract top talent, both of which they can ill afford to do.

Volt@CUPRAP: Campus Leadership on Social Media, Behind the Scenes

Volt’s live event series continues with a discussion about what it takes to make higher ed leaders successful ambassadors of their institutions on social media.

This Just In: The Sky is Not Falling

The enrollment cliff is real and scary, but the data shows that higher ed is not in a free fall.

5 Things Every Social Media Manager Has to Stay On Top Of

To stay relevant and be effective, social media managers must make professional development a daily routine.

Triaging Our Talent

Higher ed must prioritize retaining and attracting top talent. Here’s how to do that.

What Should We Write About?

Tell us what topics in higher ed and higher ed marketing need to be talked about more, and what we should explore next.

The State of Social Media in Higher Ed

Higher ed social media has never been more critical to marketing efforts than it is now, and that’s a good thing.

Inside Drexel’s New Social Media Management Consortium

In the deepest throes of 2020, Drexel made social media management a collaborative effort – and it’s keeping it that way.

‘The Most Important Work’: Increasing the Number and Diversity of College Graduates

Learn how the University Innovation Alliance’s mission to redefine the purpose and utility of a college degree for the next generation of students.