Integrating Marketing and Slate to Power Your Enrollment Webinar

Although the funnel remains viable in some ways, the shift to the enrollment ecosystem is gaining traction. Join us to learn how integrating your Slate Instance, digital tactics, and personalized web content can inform segments, messaging, and measurement. Please fill out the form to view our recorded webinar.


Solving the Content Crisis in Higher Ed Webinar

“My creative feels somewhat generic and typical.”“Our messaging is all over the place.”“I don’t know how we can stand out anymore.” These are common, top-of-mind questions in marketing and admission departments across higher education, and the COVID-19 crisis spilling into the fall semester has only increased the pressure to get your brand and campaign creative […]


Will Any Market Do? Evaluating Market Potential and Recruiting in New Places Webinar

As enrollment opportunities begin to dwindle between the impact of COVID-19 and the ever-changing demographics of the country, careful consideration of markets for recruitment is becoming more critical. In this session, we’ll explore the mechanisms behind evaluating current markets, identifying new markets, and assessing the opportunities that exist in each. The result is an intelligent […]


Best Practices for Today’s Graduate Recruitment Marketing Webinar

Considering this year’s circumstances, we’ll dive into five key areas of focus to help you be as successful as possible in your graduate recruitment and marketing efforts. Your website, online search, social media, new audiences, new markets, and new programs will all be highlighted as we review tips, techniques, and options to consider today and […]


Is Your Digital Marketing and Website Meeting the Needs of Gen Z? Webinar

As prospective students embark on the college search from their living rooms, they’re increasingly turning to search engines, social media, and video platforms to inform their decisions. Still, Gen Z has indicated that the #1 source for forming their impression of a school in the time of COVID-19 is the university website, meaning institutions need […]


The Carnegie Dartlet Conference

Disney’s Yacht Club Resort 1700 Epcot Resorts Blvd, Orlando, Florida

Join us as we explore the critical connection between marketing strategy and recruitment. The 10th annual Carnegie Dartlet Conference is a must-attend event for recruitment marketers! This interactive and inspiring conference is unlike any other in higher education. Don't miss out as industry-leading experts join us to explain how you can use today's top marketing […]
