Virtual Conference. Very Real Lessons.

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Running social media accounts can be so busy that you barely have time to stay on top of the latest trends. 
The problem? Social media trends are always changing: new platforms, new content trends, new influencers, companies changing their names for no apparent reason. 👀

We’ve got you covered.

It’s not an easy time to work in higher ed, but the mission has never been more valuable. 
Volt brings timely analysis and important voices from across the industry, week in and week out, with original reporting and thought-provoking conversations that shed light on the rapidly changing world of higher education.

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92% of firms of using inbound marketing experienced an increase in leads.

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Social Media Strategies Summit

Let’s Get Social

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It’s not an easy time to work in higher ed, but the mission has never been more valuable. Volt brings timely analysis and important voices from across the industry, week in and week out, with original reporting and thought-provoking conversations that shed light on the rapidly changing world of higher education.

You can enter here for a chance to win a free pass to the Social Media Strategies Summit – Higher Education. This completely virtual conference runs from Oct. 23-25 and will take you through the best practices in social media marketing from today’s leading colleges and universities.

This conference has some BIG names in higher ed social media, including Jenny Li Fowler from MIT, Maya Wesby from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, and Joel Villarini Falbe from Florida International University, among many others.

This is three days of speaker-led roundtables, workshops, and case studies to help you see what your peers (and competitors?) are doing and how they do it.

It’s also a great way to connect with your colleagues and make new connections.

And for you, potential lucky winner of Volt’s sweepstakes, it could be free.

Bonus: By entering to win, you will also be subscribed to Volt’s weekly newsletter, filled with insights and news — and social media tips — for higher ed professionals.

Already a subscriber to our newsletter? You can still enter to win! Just enter your email in the same field and you’ll have a chance to win.

This promotion covers the cost of admission but does not cover flights or hotels, and ends on September 30, 2023.

This sweepstakes has expired, but stay tuned for our next giveaway. 
If you want to partner with Volt for an upcoming sweepstakes, contact Paolo Santamaria at

L E T ' S   G E T   S O C I A L

This sweepstakes has expired, but stay tuned for our next giveaway.

If you want to partner with Volt for an upcoming sweepstakes, contact Paolo Santamaria at